the blog
lessons, questions, and stories to empower you

Two-Week Notice Employee Tax
Stop taxing employees who provide a two-week notice. Businesses expect a courtesy two-week notice for voluntary terminations under the guise of professionalism. How do they…

Planning Ahead for Hiring
Hiring has gone from local to global. From hanging help wanted signs in windows to hanging social media squares. From cultivating lists of talent to…

Avoid Team Fractures
Directors/Managers You undermine your position if you constantly say “because [insert boss name] said”. You agree with leadership and take ownership of the command/direction from…

Manage Yourself
The worst is executives who have assistants clean up after their bad habits. The best is when executives manage themselves…

How to Respond to Increasing Client Demands
Per Gallup, the post-pandemic client is more demanding and harder on employees. Here are 6 tips for you and your team to manage expectations….

Leading vs Avoiding Client Conversations
How well does your team lead client conversations? Are they able to anticipate client needs? Are they able to diffuse situations? Are they able…

Improve Client Experience with 4 Feedback Practices
One of my concerns with the growth of freelancers and small businesses is the lack of feedback for talent development. In large organizations, talent…
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Create a Simple Content Planner
The content dashboard was designed to be a one-stop place for planning and creating content. It includes a place for your resources and tools. Plus…