Executive Admin Dashboard


The Executive Admin dashboard is ideal for the admin who oversees the business and personal details of a small business owner.

A Wardrobe catalog syncs with the Events + Travel calendar to support the founder who is fashion conscious and wants to stay on brand.

A Notion template designed for admins to support their executive’s demanding lifestyle. Quickly duplicate, personalize, and integrate into your existing Notion workspace.

  • Stripe


A comprehensive dashboard to support an executive’s lifestyle. Templates in the dashboard can be modified to fit your needs.


  • Emergency Contacts – quick contact information to support continuity of business in case of emergency
  • Executive Contact – quickly identifies who is being supported and how to best contact them; extra helpful when the admin may be supporting an owner and another senior leader.
  • Weekly Priority List – supports alignment of efforts between admin and executive
  • Project Shortcuts – reduces time spent looking for frequently accessed or current projects
  • Calendar – quickly assess + view details of upcoming events and travel; manage costs and reservations
  • Auto – summary of all vehicles making it easy to complete related tasks
  • Dietary + Health – summary of insurance, providers, and dietary needs making it easy to schedule appointments, make restaurant reservations, and reply to events
  • Family – provides contact details to support reservations and related tasks
  • Home – provides residence details to support related tasks
  • Travel – summary of memberships and travel preferences
  • Style – summary of preferences and personal care contacts
  • Wardrobe – summary of outfits and a catalog that syncs with calendar to support the executive who is fashion conscious and wants to stay on brand; supports preparation and packing for travel


What tools do I need to use this template?

You will need a Notion account to access and duplicate the template. You can create a Notion personal account for free. I am an affiliate.

What if I need this template customized with a supporting process?

I would love to customize this for you and your team. Please complete your custom inquiry.

What to do if you found this helpful?

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Who created the template?

Hi, I’m Melissa. If you want to improve the client experience or your team’s performance, you’ve come to the right place! These digital resources are designed to support excellence in business. If you’re looking for more in depth support, view my coaching services or semi-custom small business OS.


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